Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Let's Get Rid of Meth Labs

It has been a few days since my last post.  Spring and the everyday responsibilities of life have consumed my time.  When it rains, as it has done the past few days, I just want to curl up and take a nap.  That makes getting things done even harder.  And age has also contributed to my lethargy.
Then again, when I don't hear any disturbing news, I find fewer things to write about.  I see no sense in babbling on about minor issues.
There was one news item that got me humming.  It seems that an Oklahoma legislator has proposed increased restrictions on some allergy medications.  We already have laws that place pseudoepinephrine-containing pills back in the pharmacists' cage.  Now, he wants to add more regulations on pharmacists to require them to check out their customers asking for the "dangerous" allergy pills.
Give us a break!
Why is it that the morons in the state capitol immediately resort to taking away freedoms enjoyed by the people as a means of solving a problem?  When we say "it's a free country" we mean it as more than a propaganda slogan.  If I get a runny nose, combined with sneezing and a headache, I want to be able to buy a simple pill to allow me to continue with my daily activities.  I want to be able to do it without a third degree from somebody in a white lab jacket who just graduated from college.  I don't want anybody from the government or their chosen agents to tell me that I just don't look right, so I will have to suffer.
I don't want meth labs to flourish in my state.  I don't want meth addicts to move here where the supply is abundant.  I don't want school kids to be tempted to try such a horrendous drug.  I think I speak for the majority of us in that regard.
But if current laws aren't working, I don't think making them more severe will do much to improve the situation.
If there is great demand, there will be suppliers willing to risk punishment in exchange for huge profits.  It is simple economics.
Lawmakers lack ingenuity.  (Some may say they lack a brain, but that is another discussion.)  What we need is an innovative approach.
I now offer mine: 1) get the meth chefs together and propose licensing them to produce meth for the government; 2) organize a team of medical researchers (paid by the government, so their conclusions will be what is expected - just like Big Pharma does) to "discover" a new psychological syndrome.  We'll name it Chronic Lethargy Disorder (CLD or cloud), although it will probably be more commonly known as Stoners' Syndrome.  3)  Propose to treat the new disease the same way we treat ADHD - give the sufferers a big dose of uppers.  4) Provide the "medicine" at government expense (so all taxpayers get to be part of the solution) and direct the manufacture by our newly-licensed cooks.
Simple!  And, all those previously-inert individuals will become very active, and probably produce more income, thus increasing tax revenues for state, county, and municipality coffers.
Of course, the roll of "sufferers" of CLD will be heavily populated with meth heads, so we can identify the source of the demand.  Then, we start a campaign on the order of how the tobacco Nazis fought smoking and criminalize their behavior.  Soon, all the meth addicts will be in our prisons, and the demand for meth will disappear.
We could move the meth production into labs located in the prisons and wait for the explosions that will remove anyone associated with meth from the gene pool.
And in the meantime, all of us allergy sufferers will be able to get relief!

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